It’s Showtime


The Hobart Jazz Club meets on the second Tuesday of the month (excluding January) at the Derwent Sailing Squadron, 23 Marieville Esp Sandy Bay. Meals are from 6pm to 8pm, with music from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.
A different band and style of jazz is featured each month. General public are welcome. $7 for members (of any jazz club in Australia), $12 for non-members and we also have concession $10 and student price $2. (see our newsletter)


Taz JazzFest is held on the last weekend in May annually.
Musicians and jazz lovers from around the state (and some nationally) come together for a weekend of fab jazz, fine food and fun company. There is no entry fee but attendees are responsible for their own accommodation.
Taz Jazz is in a different location each year.

Hot August Jazz is always on the Last Sunday in August in the North Hobart CBD. Hot August Jazz is a showcase of Tasmanian talent.
This FREE festival is held in eleven venues from noon till midnight. All venues are within walking distance. There is usually between 250 to 300 musicians with approximately 55 hours of performances which includes 55 bands. Bands can be solo through to 22 piece. Each band plays one set. Programs are available online and at the venues one week before the event.

Statewide Jazz Jam is on a Sunday in March at the Kentish Hotel in Oatlands situated on the Midlands Highway roughly halfway between Hobart and Launceston. The FREE event is a gathering of musicians and jazz friends from around the State to have an afternoon of Jammin’ with Jazz. It is open to the public. 11.30am till 4pm.